Crystal Walker

                                                                     Matters of the Heart Mentor

My Story...

Once Upon A Time...

Crystal Walker is the founder of Awaken Your Hearts Mentoring. My mission is to assist you in healing matters of the heart. I use Spirit guidance, muscle testing, light therapy, Access Bars, Chakra clearing and balancing, limiting belief break through and loving processes to assist you in discovering and releasing negative beliefs, trapped emotions and blocked energy being held in your heart mind and body. Once the imbalances in your energy flow are detected, we can quickly correct them before they develop into dis-ease. Through techniques tailored specifically to you and done with loving ease, balancing your energy allows the natural healing systems to function in harmony with the divine life force to increase vitality, create abundance, and enhance healing leading to maximum, healthy, vibrant bodies and joy-filled lives!

Why a Heart Coach can help;

You came into this world with perfect hearts! Yes, I said 'hearts"! You were born to love and connect. Somewhere along the way things happened that created a wound or a block to the presence of that pure love that you are, but have lost or forgotten. You felt pain and then decided, made choices and put up protections that would begin to change the trajectory of your love journey. Sometimes those blocks become so ingrained you need help to release them and that is where I can help! You don't have to walk this journey alone, you are supported by an amazing team that you might not even be aware of: God, Jesus, the Angels, the universe and ME!

The truth is that you are a capable, intelligent, beautiful being with a loving heart and you can create so much more of your desires and passions when you step into a process to empower your journey.

Benefits of Awakened Hearts


Begin to see what is working and what is not. Immediately create change.


All things lead to love with healed heart energy,

feel Deep Connection and Love


Your life is the canvas to create and experience Joy and Happiness

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