Crystal Walker

                                                             Matters of the Heart Mentor

Hi, I am Crystal!

I help women who have stepped into a journey of transition, to identify and gather the pieces of their lost or broken hearts that have been shattered by life’s hurtful experiences and put them back together to set them on the path of authentic connections and sacred love. 

Together we walk down a path to identify the blocks that generate from life's experiences and are stored in the heart that keep us from the presence of love, connection and clarity. Through simple transformational processes and your commitment to heal, we will very quickly move you down the path to happiness, peace, connection and a deep love that empowers you to live a full and purpose filled life.

"Why do I feel so Alone and Broken Hearted?"

Perhaps you are on a course where your children are more independent, maybe they have left the house, the days of being a housewife are no longer fulfilling, the whisperings of something more is pulling at your heart strings and the time to create deeper connections in your relationships are needed. You may be feeling empty, sad, lonely, lost, depressed, and unmotivated. But change feels scary, overwhelming, out of reach and downright too much work! You don't have to do it alone.

Let's first understand.


1: separated from others : ISOLATED

2: exclusive of anyone or anything else : ONLY

3: without aid or support


Being alone is a physical state of being by yourself with no one else around you. You can be alone in your car, or working on a project and in these situations it is not negative or positive, just a statement of what is.


1  a: being without company : LONE

    b: cut off from others : SOLITARY

2: not frequented by human beings : DESOLATE

3: sad from being alone : LONESOME

4: producing a feeling of bleakness or desolation

Healing Your Heart...

The message of Healing Matters of the Heart was given to me through the power of prayer, administered by the Patriarch of my church, when I was a teenager. My mission is to assist you in healing matters of your heart.

The Strategy...

I use Spirit guidance, muscle testing, light therapy, Access Bars, Chakra clearing and balancing, limiting belief break through and loving processes to assist you in discovering and releasing negative beliefs, trapped emotions and blocked energy being held in your heart mind and body.

Once the imbalances in your energy flow are detected, we can quickly correct them before they develop into sabotaging habits and possible dis-ease.

Tailored Techniques...

Through simple techniques tailored specifically to you and done with loving ease, balancing the ebb and flow of your heart energy allows the natural healing systems to function in harmony with the divine life force to increase vitality, create abundance, and enhance healing leading to maximum, healthy, vibrant heart energy and joy-filled lives!


Lonely is a mental state which creates a feeling of unhappiness because you are alone or without friends and meaningful relationships.

When the feeling of lonely is present, it is a self dissatisfaction that no one is around. This feeling can create a negative effect on your life. When you are in the emotional state of feeling lonely, the sadness can have a direct effect on our heart energy. 

How can someone feel lonely even when in the company of friends and family? And how can another, who only has a few close relationships, be fulfilled and happy while appearing to some to be alone?

The Answer...

The answer basically lies in how well a person is able to connect on a deep emotional level with others in an intimate and vulnerable way.

The inability to create successful healthy relationships will hold small wounds in our heart space. We refer to these wounds as a broken heart or heartache.

The pain that you feel with intense emotional stress or pain that comes with deep loss or great longing.

We have all been wounded at some point in our life. As children, we just internalize these wounds. As adults, we try to dismiss or bury them. Not addressing these hurts alter our thinking, our relationships and our life's path. 

Move Forward with a Strategy Plan

Step #1


This step is about becoming aware of the things that are not working in your life. Through self assessment, looking deep within and taking full responsibility for what you are creating in your life.

Step #2


Discover the emotions, thoughts and actions that have become patterns in your life. Committing to the work necessary to break through and charting a clear path to what you truly want. 

Step #3


Once you discover what you want, and your path is clear, it is time to empower your life and heart energy to ride the life journey of joy, peace, love and happiness with easy to use tools to keep you on course.

Awaken To Discovering Your Life With Purpose and Love

Awaken Your Hearts

1-801-876-0646    |   Crystal

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